Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Exclusive Interview With Steph Jones

Have you heard of the "G.u.m.b.o" movement, "Get Up and Move Ya Butt Operation"? It's time for everyone to get healthy and get motivated in life. On The 6th proudly presents to you Steph Jones. Not only is Steph a musician, actor and among other things he is also an inspiring Health Coach. You've seen him in Shontelle's "impossible video", he's done cameos in  videos for Bobby Valentino, Destiny's Child, Faith Evans etc and has been seen in TV shows and acted in films. Now take a minute and get to know Mr. Steph Jones.

ThaEntertainer: Thank you for allowing me to interview you. So for the people out there who don't know who you are ? Give us a little background about yourself?

Steph: GOOGLE me!! nah I'm just kidding. My name is Steph Jones, I'm a young Southern boy from Texas by way of LA and I'm basically what you would call a modern day hippie (minus the drugs) I'm all about unity, i love life and i live it freely. I'm a musician/actor/visual artist/kick boxer/Health Coach so i guess its safe to just call me slash.. i don't believe in blocking creativity.

ThaEntertainer: So how did your Gumbo project come about?

Steph: Well G.U.M.B.O stands for "Get Up and Move Ya Butt Operation" and its just a movement designed to get people off their butts to be active in there life and get he proper nutrition in their bodies so they can look, feel and perform better than they

ThaEntertainer: At what age did you begin using your talents?
Steph:  As far as music goes, since i was a kid and as far as Health and Fitness i would say a few years back.

ThaEntertainer: What would you say would be your proudest moment in your career so far?

Steph: Well the proudest moment in any of my careers came this Christmas Eve when i went to visit my client Michele' who has ALS Disease and we were communicating thru her left eye movements. I sang "This Christmas" for her while her daughter Shelby filmed and it was just a defining moment in my life. Here's the video clip

ThaEntertainer: What goals haven't you accomplished yet that plan on too?

Steph: Way too many to name but one of the biggest ones is to buy my mom her dream home. I cant wait to see her face when i hand her the keys.

ThaEntertainer: Any regrets? Anything you would do differently?

Steph: Absolutely no regrets because i love where i am in my life and it i were to alter something then that wouldn't land me to the state I'm in at this very moment.

ThaEntertainer: Describe your personality? Is there anything you don't like about yourself that you wish you could change?

Steph: Free spirited and energetic. I don't like the fact that we as a human race have the ability to HATE one another and HATE ourselves.

ThaEntertainer: What's the best advice anyone has ever given you, and what advice would you give others who are trying to do what your doing?

Steph: Be yourself and don't change for anyone and my best advice is to "Be yourself! and don't change for anyone"

ThaEntertainer: What are you currently working on?

Steph: A movie called "Talking With The Taxman About Poetry" Starring me, Kareem Ferguson and Vanessa Simmons.. I'm also doing the Health Coaching work. I specialize in nutrition and i have 85 clients who all have awesome results. I just love making a difference in peoples lives whether its thru music, public speaking or health. My calling is to help people.

ThaEntertainer: If you were ever to be caught in a scandal what would it be and why?

Steph: The only way i would be caught in a scandal is if some how they outlawed inspiring people. Id be on the run because i don't see myself EVER stopping.

ThaEntertainer: Anything else you would like to add? Anything else you want the world to know about you? Any rumors you want to be squashed?

Steph: No one knows this but a few people, if I'm ever driving and i get lost, i panic so much that i look for the nearest 7/11 to tear open a bag of gummy bears because that makes me feel at home for some reason lol

ThaEntertaer: Thanks again,

Check Out the following helpful information that Steph Jones has provided us:

Most people think that in order to live healthy that you have to go to the gym and workout workout workout and have your protein shake but actually its 80% nutrition and 20% fitness so if you get your nutrition in order then everything will fall in place. 20 years ago the obesity rate was 1 out of 8 Americans and now its over 30% of the country and that doesn't include out of shape and over weight people. Just to put nutrition in perspective, there are 100 times more gyms and 100 times more personal trainers but yet this country is at its worst regarding health. That all has to do with what we are putting in our bodies.

If you or someone you know is interested in changing their life for the healthy better, please email me at and lets get you started on my nutrition plan today. ITS GO TIME!!!

Watch STEPH JONES sing for an ALS survivor: