Friday, December 2, 2011

News: Beyonce Addresses Fake Pregnancy Rumors

Beyonce realized she's living in a Rihanna world, after disappointing album sales for her album "4", what better way to keep her name in the press, then carry a child.

It's been rumored that she hired a surrogate mother, so she can protect her shape but according to Beyonce herself, it's just a rumor. She's really pregnant and due at the end of December.

There's a reason why Beyonce is keeping mum about her exact due date, which she explained to Katie Couric on "20/20" Friday night.

"The truth is, it's safety," the 30-year-old mother to be says. "I just want to make sure I can have a peaceful day. And I want to make sure my child is protected."

She also brushes off reports that she's had bizarre pregnancy cravings, including putting ketchup on everything and chili sauce on ice cream.

"I was on a plane and the flight attendant came and was like, 'I have your hot sauce and pickles and bananas.' And I'm like, 'That is absolutely disgusting, what are you doing?' He's like, 'I read it on the internet,'" Beyonce laughed.

When asked how excited about the baby Jay-Z was, Knowles said, "You can only imagine, and multiply that. It's very exciting for both of us and our families ... Everyone is so anxious. It's like the time just can't come fast enough."