Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Step In The Right Direction

Last week, for the very first time in my life, I spoke with a Nutritionist regarding my (horrible) eating habits and my (record-high) weight. The service is/was free (through GMHC) and the appointment actually exceeded my expectations. The Nutritionist I spoke to was knowledgeable, empathetic and seemed eager to help me change my ways.

Ms. Nutrition gave me three goals to work on until I see her again in 3 weeks.

1. Only one diet soda per day. I'm supposed to drink water/seltzer instead.
2. Fast Food only once a week (as opposed to my normal 3-5/week). Just when the McRib came back! Damn! Damn! Damn!
3. Exercise at least 3 times per week.

As time goes by, she and I will add more goals to the mix. The idea is for me to slowly modify my behavior as opposed to going on a specific diet and changing everything at once.

As a matter of fact, right now I'm eating a bowl of homemade vegetable soup - which I whipped up this weekend. So far I'm off to a decent start.