Sunday, November 13, 2011

News: Kim Kardashian Is Suing Her Publicist

How many lawsuits has she filed this year ? You would think she was broke with all the lawyer fees. Well this time she is suing her ex publicist who basically put her on blast and told all her business. It turns out Kim stages a lot of her life to make it more interesting. I am sure, Kris Jenner taught her well.

Kim hired legal pit bull Marty Singer to shut Jonathan Jaxson up. He was been doing a media tour to promote his book and told on Kim.

Kim is saying she had Jonathan sign a confidentiality agreement in which Kim clearly feels he's violating

Kim is claiming Jaxson has damaged her reputation and she wants a minimum of $200,000 in damages.
Jonathan Jaxson told TMZ, "I have never signed an agreement dealing with confidentiality with Kim Kardashian.  I have an agreement in my possession that does not have either parties signature on it."

We already knew Kim is fake, and her life is fake and made up. But she is so money hungry and searching for attention, maybe Kim needs to find her own identity and work on having a personality a real one not a scripted one.