Monday, November 14, 2011

News: "Love & HipHop Star" Emily On Break Up With Fabolous

Crème Magazine has a new section called THE VIP LIST where celebrities, icons and personalities share their world in their own words. Emily Bustamante who opens up about Faboluous and her healing:

"I always say that I’m not the best person for advice. Don’t ask me!  It really feels good to have women come up to me and say, “I watch your story, and I could relate to you so much. I was going through the same thing.” And these are regular women and their men have regular jobs. They weren’t even in this world of hip hop. And that was so powerful to me, because I was like wow, my story is actually impacting other people’s lives. My thing is, if I can do it, anybody can do it. Because I just thought that my life couldn’t exist without him. He was my everything. And I realized that once I let him go, you know, so many other things– great things– came to me. A whole new world opened up for me. And both of us changed from it.
So sometimes you have to make some changes in your life. To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. And that’s what I had to do, and it was for the better. My life is so different now, and I’m happy. It’s just been a great journey, and hopefully someone else can learn from my mistakes. I have my moments. And I can sit here and say, I do still love him. My love for him didn’t change. But I love me more. And I love my children more. And I know that I have to focus on that. Love doesn’t go away, but sometimes you just have to let it go. And it just made a lot of things around me much stronger.
I focused on my career. When you’re in a relationship sometimes and you’re going through it, you kind of forget about everything else that needs to happen in your life. I just focused on my clothing line. And that’s my man. You know, that’s my baby. And I put all my energy into that. And really, just having a goal, or maybe a hobby, or just focusing on something else, really helped me. My clothing line is definitely something that keeps me busy, and it keeps my thoughts on that. Because is definitely a long process, and it takes a lot of work. And if your mind ain’t right, there’s no way in the world that you can accomplish something like that. So, I had to get my mind right."