Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Shots Fired After Tyga Concert Female Rapper Gets Hit

Authorities say heated words were exchanged between members of Tyga's act and some audience members Monday night at Sokol Auditorium, south of downtown. Some garbage was thrown up on the stage, leading Tyga to confront the audience. "Who threw this shit? Who threw it? You threw it?… alright, see my outside."

After a moment, he continued, "For real, you can meet me outside. I'm gonna do this one more motherfucking song for my fans and them I'm gonna go outside you bitch ass nigga."

Later a brief fistfight broke out as people left the building after the show. Police say shots were fired from a car as band members boarded their tour bus. More shots were fired from the car as it followed the bus and its trailer for a few blocks.

Police say two people on the bus suffered minor wounds. No arrests have been reported. Honey Cocaine from Young Money was the female MC shot in the arm.