Saturday, March 24, 2012

PETA Goes In On Kim Kardashian

According to PETA Kim Kardashian is selfish, and will do anything to keep herself in the news and doesn't have a heart . This is in reaction to the news that Kim is planning to press charges against the girl who threw flour on her at an event.

The animal rights group goes on to say "If she presses charges, at least people will be constantly reminded of her selfish, callous disregard for the cruel deaths that she causes by wearing fur."

They continue, "How much better it would be if she decided to evolve and enhance her image by donating her vulgar furs and exotic-animal skins to the homeless. The activist acted from the heart, something Kim doesn't seem to have."

PETA concludes their statement by saying, "If anything, Kim should get a life, the very thing that she denies animals."

PETA also told TMZ that they'd be willing to help the flour-tosser with her defense costs, if she asked them.