Monday, March 19, 2012

"Real Housewives Of Orange County" Scripted Proposal

"Real Housewives of Orange County" star Gretchen Rossi has put co-star Tamra Barney's new engagement on blast. She says it's based on a money grubbing lie manufactured by show producers desperate for a dramatic finale.

Producers originally approached Gretchen's BF Slade about proposing hoping he'd pop the question in time for the show's big finale this year. The producers even attempted to bribe Slade with an exotic proposal destination and a FREE RING.

Slade turned the offer down, convinced the public already hated him enough without a fake proposal so producers turned to Tamra and her boyfriend Eddie Judge out of spite.

Tamra and Eddie instantly snatched up the proposal package and her whole proposal was then conveniently filmed for the show at the same exotic location that was allegedly offered to Slade.