Monday, August 1, 2011

Model On The Rise: Vinny Graham

On The 6th Presents: Model On The Rise: Vinny Graham

Take a moment and get to know this aspiring model,

In his own words:

My name is Vinny Graham. I’m a 21 year old model from Syracuse N.Y. I attend Syracuse University where I have been in several fashion shows and featured in magazines. I’ve had the pleasure of being featured in on campus magazines such as “Zipped”, “Jerk” and “La Voz”.

I broke into modeling my sophomore year of college. It’s funny because I originally had no intentions of being a model. I was always told that I had the build, and physique to do it, but I never paid it much attention. It wasn’t until I was approached by one of my peers who asked me to come to an audition for a fashion show that I realized I really had what it took to be a real model. My first big project was with “Jerk Magazine”; I had the pleasure of working with a bunch of really great people and had a lot of fun in the studio.

I really just fell into modeling. I was 19 at the time and I pretty much knew that this was something I wanted to pursue as soon as I stepped on the stage for my first fashion show. Oddly enough I wasn’t very nervous despite the large crowd and bright lights. This was kind of a sign to me that this was something that I could really do. I felt like a true natural on the runway. I had the same feeling when I did my first studio shoot as well; I wasn’t camera shy at all, and everything just seemed to flow! I guess you could say getting shirtless just “flowed” too!

My proudest moment would have to be when I was featured on the spread of our University newspaper "The Daily Orange". I was in one of the biggest fashion shows to date on campus that actually featured a guest appearance by rapper, “Wale”. A few days after the show I received news that I had a full page spread in the article. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy about that!

If I were to list all of my aspirations and goals it would really be a never ending list. I’m a perfectionist in a sense, so no matter what I have accomplished in the past, I’m always hungry for more. Within the modeling industry I plan to do it all; whether it be grazing magazines, runways, etc., I am prepared to take it on with a full head of steam. In an industry such as this one, you can’t be afraid to try new things and be “different”. “Different” stands out, and standing out is better than fitting in within the modeling industry!

I’m not the type of person who has many regrets; we’re all human, we all make mistakes. I think the key is learning from our mistakes and growing and developing into better individuals. Things like missing a cue in a show, turning the wrong way on the runway, or taking a while to grasp the “theme” during a shoot, are all things that I have personally been able to grow from. Not only have all these mistakes made me a better model, but they have also made me a stronger and wiser individual as well. I take a lot from what I do while modeling and apply it to other areas of my life. Since it is such a big part of my life, I'd be crazy not to!

I’d definitely say I’m a people person. I was actually just telling my mom the other day that people always seem compelled to talk to and acknowledge me. Like if I’m walking on the street people always seem to nod and smile, or wave at me. I really have no idea why, but I’m not complaining! I guess it’s much better than people ignoring me. But yeah as far as changing anything about myself, it really wouldn’t be much. Of course there are a million and one things that are imperfect about me, but I really think imperfections make us all unique. The fact that no one is perfect means that there is always room for improvement within all of us. Therefore we’re all a work in progress! So no, I wouldn’t want to change anything about myself. I mean at the end of the day all my imperfections are what make me, me!

I would say the best advice that I have received was from my mentor Sepp Herbert. He basically told me that in order for people to take you seriously, you must first take yourself seriously. He let me know that people will invest in you when they see that you have invested in yourself. He informed me that ones level of professionalism and seriousness will ultimately get them to where they want to be. I carry this with me with all that I do. My advice to others would be much of the same; however when it comes to modeling I would also let them know that confidence and attitude gets you very far in this industry. There’s a thin line between being conceited and being confident, but once you establish the difference between the two, you’ll go far!

Right now I am getting my name and face out there by doing interviews such as this one. I’m being featured on other sites such as such as, and I also have a interview coming up at the top of next month with WNSB Hot 91.1 which is a radio station located on the campus of Norfolk State University. At the moment I am looking for an agency to join to further my modeling career. If you have any questions/comments/concerns you can contact me directly at I also have a model mayhem account where you can check out some of my portfolio. ( You can also follow me on twitter and contact me there. (@VinnyGraham) – (be sure to DM me regarding inquiries!)

Again To Connect with Vinny
Twitter: @VinnyGraham
His portfolio: