Saturday, August 27, 2011

An Update

I've gotten some texts/emails/calls inquiring about my well-being, so I decided to do a quick post just to fill you all in.

  • There were about a dozen people in line in front of me at the liquor store last night (not to mention employees and the customers who were still shopping). Previously, I'd never seen more than 2-3 bodies TOTAL in the store at any given time. When  the going gets tough, New Yorkers get wasted.

  • You cannot buy any bread in the entire city. But I went to the grocery store last night and somehow managed to find a pack of Martin's Hoagie Rolls (top). Score! It's a Central Pennsylvania thing - and I was THRILLED.

  • Right now it's raining off and on - and there's no wind to speak of. The worst of the storm will be tonight.

  • Mass transit is completely shut down and my job is closed. Not sure if we'll be open on Monday am, which is when I'm due to go back. But if we remain closed, I won't get paid - so I'm hoping that things get back to normal by then.

Thanks to everyone for your concern - and extra thanks for all the birfday well-wishes yesterday.


