Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Kim Kardashian Tells "Allure" Magazine She's Changed

So now all of the sudden, Kim goes to church a few times and she's been out of the spot light, she's this new and improved changed women? Do you believe her?

On wanting babies because her mother’s forcing her: “Do I want kids of my own? Absolutely. But I don’t know if that’s what’s meant for me. Maybe I’ll just work, work, work, and not think about it.”
"Khloé joked with me and said, ‘Will you be my surrogate?’ I said, ‘I think I have a couple more years when I just want my body to myself. At 35, I promise I’ll consider it.”

On being a shameless famewhore: “People think because you film your life on a reality show, you live everything for the cameras. But we all have limits. My mom has no limits. We need someone, right, to have no limits? That’s my mom.” Who else can write these boring scripts?

On filming her second wedding for her show: “When I saw Khloé and Lamar get married, and they had their wedding on TV, I thought, Oh, my gosh, that’s so exciting! That’s what I want! If you were to ask me now, that’s not what I want.”

On watching her own shows: “Is it tough to watch the show? Yeah. Tough to see an unhappy time in your life. Do I think there are more haters than before? Not really. But I think this has given them a platform to have a louder voice. Will I be more private of a person? Am I more guarded? Absolutely. But, also, I’m a firm believer that my show is who I am.”

Do you believe her? What's your thoughts? She's dating Reggie Bush again but with the camera's off? So has she learned her lesson?