Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Chris Brown Vs. WWE Champ CM Punk #Beef

WWE heavyweight champion CM Punk is lashing back at Chris Brown claiming the singer isn't just a liar but a total coward who never truly paid for what he did to Rihanna.

Punk released a video statement in response to Brown's allegations that he's a steroid-abuser with an inadequate penis.

In his video, Punk starts out by saying he's "proud to be a drug free straight edge individual" and then spends the next minute blasting Chris.

"Chris and I come from different worlds. I don't have an assistant. I don't have a body guard.  I don't have a manager or a PR person telling me to delete tweets like Chris does, and I don't hit women. Period."

He adds, "Chris has made the wrong accusations to the wrong person because I can defend myself."

Punk then challenges Brown to a no-holds barred fight for charity .and says, "I will choke you out and I will make you feel as weak and as powerless and scared and alone as any woman who has the misfortune of knowing a sad cowardly little boy such as yourself."

Who would win?