Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Exclusive Interview With Tami Roman

What can I say about my friend Tami Roman other than she's intelligent, beautiful, humble, honest, real as they get, and doesn't put up with any b.s. A lot of you only know her from what you see on "Basketball Wives" but there's a lot more to Tami then that. She's a business women, a mother, and actress, and the list goes on. So take a moment and get to know Tami Roman.

Michael: What was going through your mind when you auditioned for "The Real World"?

Tami: Nothing really except that I thought it would be cool to live at the beach with 6 other people for different backgrounds. It was too new of a concept to have a plan LOL.

Michael: Did you ever expect it to be as big as it was back then?

Tami: Never in a million years.

Michael: Any regrets? About the Real World?

Tami: Nope

Michael: How was life being married to an NBA player?

Tami: I had all the materialistic things I wanted, but not the aspects of a good relationship: honesty, loyalty, spiritual foundation, unconditional love...

Michael: Does "Basketball wives?" really show the real truth behind being married to a basketball player?

Tami: Not really - there is so much more to us than the dramatic aspects they choose to showcase.

Michael: Will you be returning for a 4th season of "Basketball Wives"

Tami: Not sure.

Michael: Knowing that the fight you had with Meeka was out of the country, she can't sue you here in the states because its a different jurisdiction or can she? Do you feel that she's a coward who is embarrassed about being beat up on national tv and that's what brought the lawsuit?

Tami: No comment on the Meeka issue due to her pending lawsuit.

Michael: Why is Meeka's face always so greasy?

Tami: My first guess would be Vaseline, but you'd have to ask her to be sure :)

Michael: Enough about her she's irrelevant. So now that you an Evelyn are some what cool is it more pleasant while filming?

Tami: Evelyn and I are strange...we love hard and hate with a passion. I like us better as friends because we are funny as hell together. When we are in one of our disagreements, it makes it hard for Shaunie and Jen because we are cool with both of them.

Michael: When the camera's aren't following you around, do you ever hang out with any of your cast mates?

Tami: Honestly, we all have our core set of friends and we are closest with them. We do text and email each other, just to check in.

Michael: So lets talk about "The Tomb" where did this idea come from? Tell us about the experience?

Tami: Most people don't know that I am an actress first. So when I decided to invest in something, I wanted to start a production company and develop film projects. The Tombs is my first producing effort under the new production company banner "Sleep Study Entertainment". I read the script and thought it was a socially conscious piece that spoke to one of the many challenges facing the men in our country.

Michael: What's next for Tami?

Tami: Back to acting in scripted programming; more writing/producing efforts; I'd like to have my own show; continuing with the writing my book; maybe Celebrity Apprentice or Dancing with the Stars- if they'd have me LOL...oh and I'd like to work with Tyler Perry, I think Madea needs a crazy niece or cousin who will pop off just like she does.

Michael: We have to praise you for being such a wonderful mother, raising two very talented daughters. We had a chance to interview them as well, and there both very intelligent, respectful, humble, down to earth and there talent speaks for itself. I see them going far in life.

Tami: Thank you, I appreciate that. I always say they are my biggest accomplishment and if you want to know what I'm about, look at my children.

Michael: How do you handle any negativity from the media, press?

Tami: I take it all in stride. Everyone is not going to love you and they are entitled to their opinions. I understand that they are basing their comments on what they see via BBW. I only hope that my other positive ventures outside of BBW will eventually dilute the imagery that is showcased each week.

Michael: Is there anything people think they know about you, but have no real idea?

Tami: Ummm, I don't know - most people think that what they see on BBW is all that I am - they don't know that I work in corporate America within the finance world or that I am a licensed realtor in NY & NJ. I have owned my own interior decorating company, have owned my own second hand clothing store stocked with designer items from my own closet, have written 4 screenplays 2 of which have been optioned by major studios and I have been acting for about 12 years before coming to BBW. I am extremely professional and have a killer work ethic. What they see on BBW is not indicative of me in my entirety.

Michael: If you could do anything over in life, what would it be?

Tami: I think I would've stayed on the career course that God laid out for me. When I met Kenny I put my dreams, goals and desires on the back burner to be available for him and those efforts would eventually come back to haunt me and my children.

Michael: Do you have any advice for others who want to pursue a career in the entertainment business?

Tami: I can only speak on the aspect of being an actor/actress as that is where most of my experience comes from, in which I'd tell them find the best acting coach you can and study your craft. You never want the opportunity to come and your not prepared. I studied with Chip Fields and she was my saving grace in so many ways. She taught me everything I know about the craft of acting.

Michael: Any rumors, gossip you want to clear up?

Tami: I'm not a bully, but I will do all I can to get my point across.

Michael: So will you ever consider marriage again ?

Tami: Absolutely

Michael: Thanks again for sitting down and doing this interview

Tami: Thank you