Friday, August 5, 2011

Exclusive Interview With Dahlia

On The 6th Presents The One And Only Ms. Dahlia

So what can I say about my good friend Dahlia McCutchen? For those of you who don't know who she is, her twitter handle is @MsDahlia. We met over a year ago, and she helped launch my radio career. I have a lot of respect and admiration for this woman. She's been through a lot in life and has over came a lot to be where she's at. So take a moment and get to know her.

In her own words:

My name is Dahlia McCutchen and I am currently the owner of Drama Scene Magazine and also an aspiring author working on several books at this time.

I am from south Philadelphia and now live in Houston Texas

Life has has its ups and downs, it's good and bad but most of all it's learning experiences. I have met a lot of interesting people and have made life long friendships since in this business.

I'm about to release my long awaited autobiography, and continue to promote Drama Scene magazine.

My proudest moment I would have to say was having my daughter, second would be bringing Drama Scene Magazine to life.

Any regrets or anything I would do differently? Well I would have chosen my friends more wisely and would have been a better friend to those who deserved my friendship and love. My past has shaped who I am today.

I would say that I am very outgoing, loud, I talk to much but that's just me and my personality LOL I love having fun! If I could I change one thing about myself, it would be to be more closed off and not tell so much of me and my life, I would be less open and transparent!

The best advise that I have ever received is "To be me and never worry about the opinions of others and live out your dreams" The advice I would give would be the same advise that was given to me. Just do what makes you happy, regardless of what people have to say, push forward and live out all your dreams.
If I were ever to be caught in a scandal what would it be and why? At this point in my life I wouldn't get caught in a scandal but if were to have, it would have been in my past....who knows...{smiling}