Monday, October 4, 2010

How Many NOMo's Does It Take To Screw In A Lightbulb?

How many NOM (National Organization for Marriage) supporters does it take to screw in a lightbulb:
  • None, god already did it in Genesis when he said “Let there be light”. Besides, lightbulbs are a product of science, and therefore satanic.
  • None, we aren’t small enough to fit inside a lightbulb, and screwing outside of marriage is wrong.
  • Two - and they must be a man & a woman. If they are a same sex couple, the light bulb and the Universe will explode.
  • None…if we all pray hard enough the light bulb will see the error of it’s ways and change itself.
  • Only a clear majority of seven million Californians have the constitutional right to change the light bulb.