Friday, October 22, 2010

President Obama - "It Gets Better"

I realize that many people (especially those of us in the LGBT community) are upset with the President and the current administration over the handling of DADT and other issues. I too am disappointed and upset. However, it's things like this - President Obama speaking directly to LGBT kids at risk of suicide - that reminds me why I voted for him.

Ask yourself this: would a "President McCain" or a "President Palin" {{shudder}} or even President George W. Bush have made a video like this?? Absolutely not.

I think Joe.My.God said it best:
It's a heartfelt, well-written, and sincerely delivered message. Let's try to divorce this effort from "the other issue" and talk about what a message like this from the president of the United States might mean to a young queer kid. And once again, let's thank Dan Savage for what is easily the most successful and widely-heard pro-gay campaign in the history of our movement.