Friday, October 29, 2010

I'm Getting P-A-I-D, Baby!!

According to the New York Times, a Brazilian court ruled that McDonald's must pay a former manager $17,500 because they FORCED him to eat the food and it made him fat!

SAO PAULO (AP) — A Brazilian court ruled this week that McDonald's must pay a former franchise manager $17,500 because he gained 65 pounds while working there for a dozen years.
The 32-year-old man said he felt forced to sample the food each day to ensure quality standards remained high, because McDonald's hired "mystery clients" to randomly visit restaurants and report on the food, service and cleanliness.

Sing it, Sister!! As some of you know, my very first job as a 17-year-old was at my hometown McDonald's. And when Penn State beckoned, I got a job at the Micky D's across from campus - eventually becoming a manager. So I WANT SOME MONEY for being "forced" to inhale  "sample" delicious McDLT's (below) for all those years!!

There is just one possible flaw in my scheme for a big McPayout - this is what I looked like back in my McDonald's days ...

Maybe I'll luck out and get a jury made up of nothing but anorexic fashion bloggers, who'll decide that the fresh-faced kid in the tie and (fierce) blue visor was OBVIOUSLY a big McFattie and deserves a big McPaycheck..
