Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crimes Of Fashion

I just had to sneak a picture of this woman's HORRIBLE shoes as we rode the subway to work on Thursday.  Keep in mind, it was Fashion Week in Manhattan, but this lady chose to wear these shoes - which made her look like the "Evil Elf Witch of Flushing, Queens". The toe was way to long ("I'll get you, my Pretty ... and your Little Dog too!!), and yet the shoes were too small for her - as you can see by how her heel hangs off the back.

I did some research, and these shoes also come in a lovely Forest Green ...

Anywhore, for those of you who have met me - you know I'm no Fashion Maven. But these shoes were so obviously heinous that my Inner Gay desired nothing more than to snatch them off and toss the offensive footwear onto the subway tracks.  Where, hopefully, they would be carted off by a family of rats and used for winter accommodations or food storage.