"It's Not Death - It's Only Cake"
... Sylvia Weinstock
Did anybody watch Top Chef: Just Desserts last night? I must admit - the producers have sucked me in with the all-crazy-all-the-time Seth. Here are some random thoughts about last night's episode:
- Again, no boobies (see above). Gail Simmons + Covered-Up Boobies = David with the Sadz :(
- Sylvia Weinstock (below) needs to be on every show, on every channel, in every time slot. Better yet, there should be a Sylvia Weinstock Network. Tagline: "Would it KILL YOU to tune in every once in awhile??" She could be the Jewish grandmother us Gentiles never had.
- What is up with Johnny "Blue Suede Shoes" Iuzzini?? (with the sideburns - see top photo). He is taking this 'Skinny Elvis' thing just a little too far.
- Not only is Seth Caro (below) certifiably crazy, he also happens to be a dick. And not a nice big one - but one of those tiny limp ones that doesn't do anything except frustrate you. Seth makes Spike Mendelsohn and Dale Talde (from Season 4) look like Choir Boys.
- Did you happen to catch Yigit in nothing but shorts at the very begining of the episode??? Oh YEEEAAAAHHH .
Someone PLEASE send me a screen shot. The Minx, as usual, comes through in the clutch...