My darling Dust Bunnies, I love you all like a Giant Arby’s Roast Beef sandwich with Swiss cheese and Horsey sauce. You KNOW I do. However, I need to take a stand against memes, tags, awards, and similar chain-letteresque behavior.
I’ll be honest – I HATE GETTING TAGGED, AWARDED, ETC. I know many of you have tagged me, and I don’t hold it against you. But while I’m being honest, I’ll tell you that if I DID respond in the past, it was out of loyalty to you – and because I didn’t want to disappoint you. But from now on if you tag me, send me an award, or send me a “Name three things we didn’t know about your Gerbil” questionnaire, I will not be able to respond.
My reasons for this are many. First of all, I try and plan out my blog posts over the weekend for the upcoming week – and I try to vary my content. When I get tagged it throws off my schedule.
Secondly, since I do not own a computer and do most of my blogging from my office computer, I don’t have time to do extra posting. I walk a constant tightrope between working and blogging – and anything that upsets that balance is not a good thing.
Thirdly, I try and promote all of your blogs as best I can. I have my Dust Bunny Blogroll that features many of you. I also provide links to your blogs anytime I might mention one of you. In addition, if you ever have anything you would like to promote, please email me and I’ll see what I can do.
I know I sound grumpy and unappreciative – and I’m sorry for that. I totally love the fact that you want to recognize my blog for being something special. I just don’t have the time to pass those accolades onto the next blogger. And I’m sure he or she will thank me eventually…
I’ll be honest – I HATE GETTING TAGGED, AWARDED, ETC. I know many of you have tagged me, and I don’t hold it against you. But while I’m being honest, I’ll tell you that if I DID respond in the past, it was out of loyalty to you – and because I didn’t want to disappoint you. But from now on if you tag me, send me an award, or send me a “Name three things we didn’t know about your Gerbil” questionnaire, I will not be able to respond.
My reasons for this are many. First of all, I try and plan out my blog posts over the weekend for the upcoming week – and I try to vary my content. When I get tagged it throws off my schedule.
Secondly, since I do not own a computer and do most of my blogging from my office computer, I don’t have time to do extra posting. I walk a constant tightrope between working and blogging – and anything that upsets that balance is not a good thing.
Thirdly, I try and promote all of your blogs as best I can. I have my Dust Bunny Blogroll that features many of you. I also provide links to your blogs anytime I might mention one of you. In addition, if you ever have anything you would like to promote, please email me and I’ll see what I can do.
I know I sound grumpy and unappreciative – and I’m sorry for that. I totally love the fact that you want to recognize my blog for being something special. I just don’t have the time to pass those accolades onto the next blogger. And I’m sure he or she will thank me eventually…
P.S. – Yes Jennie, you were right – I AM snarky. So I gave MYSELF an award...