Wednesday, September 21, 2011

News: Bow Wow's Letter To Fans About Being Broke

In his own words:

I never knew why it interest people to want to know what the fuck is going on in someone else's ife. Its quite funny tho. Like i sit around the studio or i can be filming a movie and ill get a call like "Yo Shad, they said that you dead and you fell you jumped off your condo balcony" my reply "Well i must be calling from heaven or hell then huh" haha its nutz tho. Its so irrelevant to me because i dont read news, I just make the news and they report it. See my thing is.. i know it comes with the game so i look it at different. Everybody got bills to pay, if lying on me or assassinate my character has to help you feed "YOUR" family then do yo thing. See a lot of these artist get tight and get mad about what the media types about them. I know the real from the fake though. How you know my life better than me? I'm the one living it. I've said this many of times to my fans. "If I'm not tripping about something, Y'all don't trip" In life nothing bothers me much. Not words not comments not nothing! not even money when i say nothing i mean nothing bothers me. I'm built different, i always thought i was strange or special growing up. I would ask my mother at times "Why every time we go to the mall people stare at me" this was before i became famous and all. Almost as if people saw something i didn't. The media rather report all the bad i do rather than them talking about the positive things i do. They don't talk about when i contributed to the boy who was gunned down in Chicago last year and i donated money to his funeral. They ain't talk about how I'm the only black actor who was in this years Variety Magazine top 10 young actors in Hollywood They ain't talk about How i went to the same school that Ms Oprah Winfrey donated too in Atlanta and spoke to those talented kids of that academy and even spent time with them afterwards. The positive things don't sell. They rather report a fake story on my Bentley, or which girl I'm sexing this week, or how much money he making asking me questions about my daughter. Before you report on my kid or what I'm doing get your life in order. Ask yourself why are you at home doing? nothing blogging about someone who out here really doing. I ain't went to jail, never been arrested, nothing I just want to do my thing peacefully make my money please my fans and go the fuck home. haha i swear y'all. Like i said When y'all want the facts i will lay them out for you. If it ain't about Underrated we ain't discussing shit. Im a continue to shine put on for my fans and keep rising above the competition and kill deez niggas! I'm only 24 years old i got room for error, but whatever i mess up on please believe i will clean it up! 100
