Monday, July 11, 2011

Look Who's In My Restaurant Right Now

Yes, R.L. is one of the "celebrity" guests at the event which forced me to return from vacation one day early. BTW - I'm not referring to him by name because you just know that biatch Googles herself about every 10 minutes and I don't need the aggravation. 

Although not a fan, I DO have to give Miss Honey some props - he is damn good looking in person. You know how the White Meat doesn't do much for me, but for R.L. I'd make an exception. Which I'm certain he'd be ever-so-happy to hear.

One last thing ... after R.L and his companion checked in, they went to the bar like everyone else. However, the "celebrities" {{cough, cough, hack, gag, cough}} were supposed to go to a special area - although no one but me recognized him. So I made his day by having our Hostess pretend she recognized him and directed him to the "VIP Area".

You're welcome, Cutie.

BTW - if you mention him by name in the comments (or the show he was/is on), I won't be able to publish your comment. 
