Saturday, July 30, 2011

Don't Bury Granny ...

...keep her in your gun cabinet until you can shoot her into an intruding burglar! From The Daily What:

For a mere $1,250, the Alabama-based ammunition manufacturer Holy Smokes will help you preserve the memory of a late loved one by shoving their remains into “100 rounds of rifle ammunition, 250 shotshells, or 250 pistol cartridges, in the caliber/gauge of your choice.”
On their official site, Holy Smoke — a company started by two state law enforcement officers — talks up its product’s multiple benefits: It fulfills “a need for an individual’s choice” in how he/she is “remembered or celebrated”; it offers a low-cost alternative to burial services; and it carries “a much smaller ecological footprint” than “most of the current funeral interment methods.”
