Monday, December 13, 2010

Pat Boone To Sell His Anti-Gay, Rancid Meat

Washed-up singer and Teatard Pat Boone wants conservatives to purchase his Baby Jeebus-approved meat. From Towleroad:
He's getting into the celebrity-endorsed food business, launching a line of so-called "All-American" meats to benefit conservative Christian organizations and causes like Mercy Corps and [the extremely anti-gay] Focus on the Family.
Boone, who we last covered after he recorded anti-gay robo-calls for Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Steve Beshear. Boone has also compared gay activists to terrorists, before insisting he loves gays.
Boone has recently been active in the Tea Party, so, perhaps Sarah Palin can do the butchering for him.

This has to be the most unappealing White Meat Monday blog post EVER.
