Yes, I made it back to NYC last night - and I must say there were no problems on either Amtrak or the NYC Subway. I WAS a little surprised to see piles of snow inside the subway station (like the ones above) - but the streets were plowed and the sidewalks were shoveled. But DAMN - this city got a ton of snow. I'm kinda sad that I missed it - NYC is at its best during a crisis. Although I can't say the same for our billionaire Mayor - Mike "Deal With It" Bloomberg.
Anywhore, I spent all last night petting kitties, opening mail (thanks for the cards everyone!), and did I mention petting kitties?? Also, Mom and Dad both got Oscar and Dusty presents (yes, we are THOSE KIND of cat people) - so there were treats to distribute and catnip to deal out like a drug kingpin. Thank goodness for the kitty treats, because after all this catnip my two stoner cats are bound to get the munchies.
Posting will be very light today - because I'm going to relax, deal some more catnip (too bad I can't get paid for that), and maybe even do some laundry.
How was YOUR Christmas??