Thursday, October 7, 2010

Last Night on Top Chef: Just Desserts - "Crazy Man Down!"

Did anyone watch Top Chef: Just Desserts last night? It started out with TONS of drama, but then ended with a lame whimper. Some random thoughts ...
  • Just when we find out that Batshit Insane Seth Caro has a rockin' body underneath his chef's coat, they go and cover it up with a straightjacket. Not fair! And, like a good Queen, did you notice how Big Gay Zac flirted with a shirtless Seth in the morning, full-knowing the man was clearly insane? Hey ... biceps are biceps, crazy or not.
  • Just how deranged do you have to be to be TOO CRAZY FOR REALITY TELEVISION??? Seriously, this is the genre that gave us Wendy Pepper, Omorosa and Jeff Lewis.
  • Here's my theory - that mysterious lump in Seth's neck finally moved to his brain - causing him to think everyone was out to steal his beloved paper cups...
  • I wonder why they didn't SHOW Seth's freakout, because you know those cameras were rolling. Will they save it for the reunion special?
  • Note to self: Watch reunion special - look for lump in Seth's neck.
  • I think Gail's Boobies are in a contract dispute with Bravo - they aren't making an appearance until Bravo coughs up more Cross-Your-Heart Bra money.
  • What was up with Heather H (below) bitching and moaning after her team WON the challenge?? I've heard of Sore Losers ... but Sore Winners??
  • And, finally, how lame was it that Malika (below) just decided to give up and leave? She could have at least had a nervous breakdown about paper cups and grapefruit juice before insanely bolting from the kitchen in a cloud of dementia. Is that too much to ask??