Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Who Approved This????

I hadn't heard that HBO was remaking one of the greatest movies of all time - Mildred Pierce - and turning it into a miniseries until yesterday, and I'm shocked and appalled.  Listen, I like Kate Winslet (above) just as much as the next queen - but we're talking about Mildred EFFIN' Pierce here (AKA "Mildred FIERCE")!! This was the role Joan Crawford was born to play!! Furthermore, Evan Rachel Wood (Queen Sophie-Anne on True Blood) plays the spoiled, ungrateful daughter.  Blasphemy!!

The next thing you know they'll be remaking Psycho with Anne Heche in the Janet Leigh role and Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates!!  Oh ... wait ... nevermind ...

Speaking of True Blood, did anyone watch the finale? It kinda left me flat - too many open story lines, including some I don't care about at all (Jason/Crystal, Sam/his brother, and Arlene/her demon baby, for example).  I just want to see Eric, Pam, Alcide and Lafayatte (and his hot Brujo) and not so much everyone else.  Oh, and I also love Hoyt (and his crazy Mama) and Jessica.

Anywhore, what did YOU think of the finale??