Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm Going To Tell You A Secret

I can't keep it to myself anymore - I'm going to reveal who my Top Chef buddy is. Some of you may remember that back in November I posted about corresponding with one of the current Cheftestants:
She/he read my first recap and thought I was funny, so he/she sent me an email. As always, I was extremely honored that someone from the show would actually read my recap, and I was even more blown away by how sweet this person was. I warned her/him that they might not like me so much by the time he/she goes home, because I can sometimes be "brutal" in my quest for funny. I was assured that this person was tough enough to handle it, and I was told to continue doing my thing.

I had said that I would wait until this person was kicked off (or won) before I revealed who it was. Well Dust Bunnies, I can't wait any longer - I SUCK at keeping a secret...

Yes ya'll, Stefan Richter (AKA Stefan of Finland) and I have been emailing back and forth since he read my very first recap. He even told a lovely female friend from Finland about me, and now SHE and I are buddies. Stefan is a complete sweetheart, and we have vowed to meet for a drink the next time he is in NYC. Get your mind out of the gutter bitches - Stefan is straight.

So I was genuinely shocked when an idiotic right-wing website called Stefan out for wearing a "Communist T-Shirt". Sweet Baby Jeebus - give me a break.

"Newsbusters" - a website dedicated to "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias", posted the following picture and commentary:

Stefan Richter could be seen wearing a red T-shirt with a gold hammer & sickle -- the emblem of Soviet totalitarianism which oppressed hundreds of millions and murdered tens of millions -- inside a gold-outlined Red Army star, matching the colors and symbols on the Soviet flag.

"Newsbusters" also conveniently provided a link to Stefan's European Catering company in Santa Monica, CA (his hometown). As a result, cave-dwelling right-wing AssHats have been harassing Stefan for being a dirty Communist. He has even received DEATH THREATS!!

Give me a break. It is a vintage T-Shirt he bought in Venice Beach 5 years ago - it's not part of a childhood Hitler Youth Uniform!! Leave it to the Right-Wing to find a conspiracy in a stupid T-Shirt.

You can criticize Stefan for being "cocky" (I would say "confident"). You can criticize Stefan for having an attitude (again, stemming from his confidence). But sending him death threats for being a Communist?!? That's pretty lame.

For the record, Stefan is NOT a Communist. In fact, if all goes well he'll be a United States citizen in the spring. So give me a break, IT'S A FRIGGIN T-SHIRT!!

Speaking of t-shirts, here are the type of t-shirts they sell on "Newsbusters":

"I'd Rather Be Waterboarding"??? Keep it classy, fucktards. Torture is funny!!

I have created a new T-Shirt for Stefan - but I doubt the Right-Winguts will be happy with this one either...

Keep on doing your thing Stefan - and keep in touch!