Tuesday, September 13, 2011

News: Memphis Grizzlies Rookie Josh Selby Gay

Memphis Grizzlies Rookie Josh Selby has been put on blast by a gay man. He hasn’t shot one free throw in the pros yet, and he’s already dealing with a sex scandal.

Selby had a correspondence with a man named Justin Cruz that involved meeting up at a “telly” and seeing his “pretty face”. We’re not sure what, if anything, came out of this little rendezvous but based on the email below, this Justin guy had every intention on pulling out all the stops to get Josh to “play for his team”.

The emails exchanged were given to Bossip.com:

Josh wrote: wassup bruh….heres some pictures of me. don’t show anybody! because im in sports and dont want people to know and plus im just curious not gay bruh.

Josh wrote: Idk about all of that but will see your pretty face and yeah I’m getting the telly hit me up aight!

Justin replied: Aight well are you still gonna get the hotel room? and once I’m done with you your gonna get turned out LOL and when you get time follow me @IamJustinCruz

So do you believe this story ?