Sunday, February 13, 2011

From the "I Had No Idea" Files: Canadian Milk Bags

I'm here to tell ya - Tumblr isn't just picture after picture after picture of gorgeous men, sometimes doing unspeakable things to each other (yes it is). Tumblr is also informative! Yesterday I learned from KAYCE'S TUMBLR that some people in Canada buy their milk in bags. BAGS?!?!!!

Why is this??? It seems to me that it's much easier to transport, store and display milk in jugs or cartons - which you simply take home and throw in the fridge. But apparently in Canada you take the bag home, put it in a pitcher thing, and then cut off the corner to serve. I'm just guessing by what I found after a Google Image search.

Is this true?!? Now don't get me wrong - I LOVE my Canadian DustBunnies. All Americans love Canadians. What's not to love?? Canada is like that polite, successful, smart relative that - try as you might - you just can't hate because she's so damn nice and cute and treats you so well.  AND she's got your back if shizz gets serious and you gotta fight. Canada is Melanie Hamilton to America's Scarlett O'Hara - and always will be.

So this is like finding out Melanie Hamilton isn't perfect at all! She drinks milk from bags!!! MELANIE HAMILTON IS A BAG-DRINKING MILK FIEND!!!!!!

Sorry, I got carried away. Seriously, I'm curious: could a Canadian DustBunny (or two) 'splain to me about these bags and why Canada doesn't do the whole carton/jug thing??? I'm dying to know...

