Monday, September 13, 2010

"Me" Update: Good News

I haven't spoken much about how I'm doing ever since I disclosed my HIV status back in July.  A couple people recently asked for an update - so here it is...

For those of you who missed it, In June I spent a week in the hospital with pneumonia - at which time I found out I was HIV positive.  A couple weeks later (as soon as I was approved for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program - ADAP), I began taking Atripla - a very expensive medication which combines Sustiva, Emtriva and Viread.  All three drugs work together to slow the spread of HIV in the body, all in one daily pill.

After one month of taking the drug (religiously, I might add) - my doctor gave me a Viral Load test.  Viral Load measures the amount of HIV in your blood.  I went from a Viral Load of 288,000 to only 1,000 - in one month!  Once you hit 400 the virus is considered "undetectable" - which is one of the goals of HIV treatment.  As most of you know - undetectable does not mean cured - but it certainly beats lying in the hospital with pneumonia.

I am still waiting for my CD4 (t-cell count) test results - the lab misplaced them - but the doctor said we should expect good news there also.  Also, I am back on anti-depressants (Effexor) - which is covered 100% by ADAP (along with the Atripla and all my other medication).  The Effexor seems to be working nicely as well.

As far as other health-related issues - I lost about 40-50 pounds while in the hospital, and I've managed to keep most of it off.  I still need to loose another 40-50 to get to where I need to be, but at least I'm not gaining.  This is getting harder every day - as my energy is now back to normal, so is my appetite.  I've compensated by eating tons of melon - watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew - which is relatively healthy and fills me up nicely.  But, as usual, I need to exercise more.

Anywhore, I just wanted to let you know that as of right now, I am doing well.  And thanks to all of you who were concerned.