Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Strength of The Beautiful People - Mark M.

Mark M. is a model from Philadelphia and a Next Magazine cover model.

Strength of The Beautiful People

Strength of some beautiful people
Who are with beautiful soul too
Have a thing in common, that they believe
In a purpose they have.
Sometimes, They do feel low, still they do continue
Is the strength, of the beautiful people.
The beautiful people, possess a strength of their own
Which is the real gift they have got.
The strength they possess, is their gift.
Their gift is that they believe in their strengths
And continue on.
Continuing on with a belief in your strengths
Is the strength of the people,
who strive for things which are higher
By continuing on and on
To reach for their goal.
The strength of the beautiful people
is remembered by everyone
As they believed in their strengths
Is the strength of the beautiful people.

Poem Source
