Last week I spent about FIVE HOURS of my life writing a recap of The Fashion Show (after watching 2 hours of the show itself). The writing took me so long because I was trying to make the show sound more interesting, funny, and worthy of watching than it really is. Well YOU KNOW WHAT??? I just can't do that anymore.
I had such high hopes for "The FASHION NO" - I really did. But a successful reality show comes down to the contestants. You can have all the Tim Gunns and Isaac Mizrahis in the world, but if you've cast a bunch of dud competitors, your show will be a dud.
How in the hell do you cast a show that requires sewing skills with a bunch of fucktardians who cannot sew???? Seriously. That's like casting The Celebrity Apprentice with non-celebrities! Oh, wait... bad example.
I literally TURNED OFF MY TELEVISION LAST NIGHT while that asshat Markus flitted around the workroom talking about how they didn't teach him to SEW at his fancy fashion school. Sewing is for grandmothers and illegal immigrants, apparently.
I'm sorry folks - I tried. And I know some of you will be disappointed, but I.JUST.CAN'T. After all, it's hard to recap a show when you're screaming at a television that's been turned off. And YES, I know Markus was sent home - but I still ain't watching this mess anymore.
BTW - last night's show was all about coats - hence the "funny coat" pics (above) that I feverishly downloaded during commercial breaks. That is, until I had my Markus-induced COMPLETE NERVOUS BREAKDOWN.