Happy Birthday wishes to my good friend Gerry Linn! She and I met while working at McDonald’s and attending Penn State – and we've remained friends all these years. She is a birthday FANATIC – heaven help you if you don’t get in touch with her on her important day. I’ve already sent the card, and I’m making the phone call the minute I finish this post – so I should be ok.
For the record, this post is dated Saturday, September 29th because that's when I wrote it (although I didn't post it then). I wanted to be able to post it as soon as I got to work on Monday morning - Gerry's actual birthday. See what happens when you try to be efficient!
I have mentioned Gerry a few times already in the short history of DavidDust – here, and here. She also holds the distinction of being the first straight friend that I 'came out' to, involving lots of crying and hysterics in a Hardee's parking lot.....good times.....good times.....
For the record, this post is dated Saturday, September 29th because that's when I wrote it (although I didn't post it then). I wanted to be able to post it as soon as I got to work on Monday morning - Gerry's actual birthday. See what happens when you try to be efficient!
I have mentioned Gerry a few times already in the short history of DavidDust – here, and here. She also holds the distinction of being the first straight friend that I 'came out' to, involving lots of crying and hysterics in a Hardee's parking lot.....good times.....good times.....

Ms. Linn is an accomplished attorney who is now concentrating on film making. She and her college friend and film making partner Cheryl Englert have recently started Nittany Films. This has been a bonus for me, as I now get to see Gerry every year when she and Cheryl come to NYC for the Tribeca Film Festival (picture below):
Happy Birthday GB!!!