Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Exclusive Interview With Danie From VH1's "Tough Love New Orleans"

On The 6th Is Proud To Present To You Danielle Wilks. Check out our exclusive interview with one of the stars of VH1's hit show "Tough Love" which was shot in New Orleans this season.

Take a minute and get to know Danie

In her own words:

Danielle Wilks aka I AM Danie aka Danie LOL whatever works. I'm originally from Akron, Ohio but now reside in Atlanta. I've been a Hair stylist for 10 years now. I moved from Ohio 4 years ago to pursue my dream to become a well known hair stylist. I hustled to create more opportunities for my myself and it worked. I work hard and all the time. I have no regrets!!!! I enjoy everything about my life!!!

I am continuing to build my brand I AM DANIE through networking events and advertising. I am working on opening up my own salon soon! I don't have a date yet. I'm currently traveling doing hair in different states. I am in Ohio at the end of this month promoting "Tough Love New Orleans" and styling hair. I'm working on motivation videos for those that want to know how to get into cosmetology field and building their own brand.

Most people who know me, know that I am turnt up ALL the time so watching me on TV will be no different..LOL
Being a young single mom, I still managed to obtain my Business Bachelors degree. I also had the courage to move out of Ohio to better myself mentally & to broaden my horizons in the hair industry. When many people didn't think I could or would.

By doing "Tough Love" i realized not many people have the courage to step outside their comfort zone, and i most I definitely did that with the show.
I love hair of course, as well as Girly stuff shopping, drinking my favorite wine (Moscato), traveling, relaxing, Just being me and being around friends/family who support me.
My ultimate goal in life is for EVERYONE to know the I AM DANIE brand..whether your a client who comes get your hair done, or hopefully one day use one of my products or whatever...I need EVERYONE to know me :)

The thing I like most about the business are my CLIENTS!!!! I love meeting new people and making them feel and be more beautiful. I tell my clients all the time how much I love and appreciate them!
I guess I have just been blessed with the talent of HAIR. I mean its been apart of my life since I was a little girl LOL I have ruined so many dolls because I would cut they hair up and off. But I am a very creative person and a quick learner.
MY SON motivates me, I just want him to have the best! I feel like the only way I can do that is leading by example and getting out here and hustling. If I don't grind, we don't eat!
Ive always been driven, as an Entrepreneur you have to but I look back sometimes and see how much Ive grown as a person and in my craft. Due to me working hard I have had so many doors open for me in which just helps me to continue to grow.

I definitely love going to the salon and styling hair. Its been my dream. I mean not many people can say they "work" there dream/passion everyday.

With "TOUGH LOVE" airing April 15th, I'm sure many people will talk but at this point I'm like who CARES lol
Advice I have for others, NEVER GIVE UP!! Think OUTSIDE the box...sometimes you have to stand alone

I want to be remembered as one of the BEST hair stylists! When people hear I AM DANIE or DANIELLE WILKS there going to be like that girl aint no joke...She's a hustler, She's a person I can look up to and want to follow in her footsteps

You can also view my videos on my station