Tuesday, October 18, 2011

News: Somaya Reece Was Not Kicked Off "Love & HipHop"

VH1 confirmed today that “Somaya ‘Boss’ Reece is a regular cast member of ‘Love and Hip Hop” Season 2,”

Somaya has launched a Tequila brand and worked on the forthcoming Lionsgate release “Go For It,” in addition to continuing to work on her official rap debut both in English and Spanish.

She was quite surprised to read the allegation that she had fabricated.
“I am very offended that someone would put out information to tarnish my image,” she told BOSSIP exclusively. “Somaya Reece is a brand. The reason they call me Somaya Boss Reece is because I am a self made woman/boss. I scored the music soundtrack to a Lionsgate film & role with a major theatrical release, ; I am a CEO owner of La Jefa Tequila releasing globally in January 2012; and right now there is $ 1.5 million behind my music project English with Midi Mafia & Latin Richy Pena. I am a very humble woman and I established all of these things on my own simply with drive, focus and ambition! I thank Vh1 for giving me a platform to introduce their audience to Somaya Reece.”

Either way, we will be watching the show