Saturday, June 4, 2011

We're Looking at YOU Yankees and Mets

Here's the score: The Chicago Cubs have announced their intent to make an It Gets Better video in support of LGBT youth. The San Francisco Giants have already produced one:

So now it's time, New York, to "step up to the plate". Yankees: are you gonna wait until the friggin RED SOX make a video** before you get off your (extremely well-toned and gorgeous) butts? Mets: let's face it, ya'll don't have much else going on - might as well do your part to stop anti-gay bullying and prevent LGBT suicide.

New York's LGBT community is waiting....

** UPDATE: Dammit - that was fast! The hated Red Sox are doing it too. Thanks cariboubarbie for the heads up.

[Princess Leia hologram voice] "Help us Derek Jeter-wan Kenobi, you're our only hope..."
